A 53 year old came to casuality with C/o pedal edema since 2 months. C/O SOB Since 1 day. C/O decreased urine output since 2 months.
A 53 year old male came to casualty with chief C/o pedal edema since 2 months C/O SOB Since 1 day C/O decreased urine output since 2 months. History of presenting illness:- Patient was apparently alright 1 year back then he developed decreased urine output for which he went to hospital and was diagnosed as chronic kidney disease and was on Conservative management. Patient developed decreased urine output since 2 months. No Hesitancy, dribbling of urine. -History of pedal edema Since 2 months, pitting type upto knee. -History of SOB since 1 day; Grade -IV according to MMRC , Orthopnea present, no PND. No chest pain, no palpitations. 3. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS K/c/o Dm-ll Since 7 years on insulin K/c/o HTN Snce 1 year on CILNIDIPINE 10mg. No history of asthma ,tuberculosis ,epilepsy Personal history: Diet mixed Appetite normal Sleep Adequate Bowel are regular Bladder movements decreased output ...
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